The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), by mandate under Dodd-Frank, will soon change our world once again. Just barely two years since the title and mortgage industry was turned upside-down with regulatory changes to the Truth-in-Lending Act (TILA) and the Real Estate Settlement Proced
Pending home sales in the Washington, D.C. Metro Area are nearly as high as they were two years ago when the $8,000 federal first-time homebuyer tax credit was still in effect, another sign that the market is poised for a turn-around. That's good news for sellers. More buyers hopefully means home
A ground rent refers to a scenario where an individual owns his house, but someone else owns the actual property (the “ground”). The homeowner pays the ground rent owner an annual fee, or a ground rent, as a rent on the land. In Baltimore, this form of ownership dates back to the 18th century.
Google "owner’s title insurance," and you will find scores of blogs and other publications scorning this misunderstood insurance product. Frequently, at the settlement table, we hear homebuyers opine that title insurance is a "rip-off" and not worth the cost. Most of these comments stem from a