Here you will find the information pertaining the First Time Home Buys Savings Account. This link will take you to the actual form. I have include theactualdocument in case you have questions which can be answer at the bottum paragragh...
Home Valuation Code of Conduct A uniform code for appraiser that requires them to go through a clearinghouse orders and to get paid. The code would require an independent appraiser to go and join an AMC to get orders and work. This will eliminate independent appraisers overnight. I am interest...
Rates are great but not much purchase action mostly refi's. After the refi boom is done what is next... Just my thoughts here... The gov't can't keep buying bonds and paper, they run FNMA and FMAC so not only are they buying the paper but they are guaranteeing it. It seems like they are burning t...
I was watching a special on WW1last night and it kind of triggered me to think about this whole financial mess were in...I am not an economist but I have definitely been paying attention. What caught my eye specifically in the special about WW1was the type of economy Germany had after the first ...
This chart shows why rates are going to go up and possible where they are headed. If rates are cyclical then this chart should provide some clarity as to where rates are head in the short term. The one thing this chart doesn't reflect is that I believe that 30yr rates will start to act on ther...
FHA @ 7% today 30 YR Fixed just priced one out @ 6.75 and the credit was excellent A little forwarning trying and warm your clients up to the idea that rates are going to get worse and will continue to for some unkown amount of time. This idea of low rates spurring growth is way to late in the g...
Unsustainable Debt As noted earlier, the Government must borrow from the public to finance any gaps between expenditures and revenues. Increased borrowing leads to higher debt service (net interest) which in turn can make it more difficult to balance expenditures and revenues in the future. Char...
10/02/2008 - "This morning, FHA Commissioner Brian Montgomery announced that the new HECM nationwide loan limit (maximum claim amount) will be $417,000. The target effective date is November 1"This is a target date right now, not a set deadline. We still expect FHA to increase the "floor" on the ...
Look for these mergers/consolidations to occur soon...1. Hale Business Systems, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Fuller Brush, and W. R. Grace Co. will merge and become: Hale, Mary, Fuller, Grace. 2. PolyGram Records, Warner Bros., and Zesta Crackers join forces and become: Poly, Warner Cracker. 3. 3M will me...
Good morning.I have some rather sad news to share today. There is no more accurate was to say it.Later this afternoon you should be receiving some formal communication from CitiMortgage of their intent to dramatically change their way of doing business. This change will eliminate my position and ...