Linda's Guide to Real Estate

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Real Estate Agent - Re/Max Preferred Associates, Toledo, OH - 353315
Active Rain, Real Estate, Marketing, Tips & Tools, Social Media, Buyers, Sellers, MLS, buyers, sellers, fsbo, buy, sell, market, open house, social media, blogging, blog, buying a home, selling a home,



Wow! 100,000 points in six months?  How did you do it.  I enter each day and get the 100 points for doing so, but when I look at the other agents in my area they are not blogging or rerblogging.  I need to know your technique.  I am working too hard to get to the next ranking.I never thought i wo...
I agree.  I keep trying to look for articles that I like that promote using Facebook.  All I do is send out invitations to fellow Realtors or accept their invitation.   So what good is that?Part II of a series of articles about the real use of Facebook. Apparently the struggles FB has been having...
I admire the posting and recommendation of a company you have found to be reputable and fits into your needs as a Realtor.  You have taken the  time to think about how blog and promote something the majority of Realtors wouldn't think about.I have found the most amazing company to help me and my ...
We all want to say "something" that sounds intelligent & intelligent.  And at times I start to type something that is personal and should not be shared because:   "There it is in writing, black and white and it can't be undone."ActiveRain Has Comment Linking? (This post is a bit long but I think ...
Very interesting.  I will look forward to Katerina talking about how she's been able to create a successful blog as a part of her overall marketing strategy. I look forward to getting some new ideas on blogging.When Katerina joined ActiveRain on June 18th, 2007 there were already 44,000 members o...
Very good article.  We all think we can fix something but hiring a professional allows the homeowner to document the work and should it not be fixed property the homeowner can either have the repairman fix it or hire another repairman.When Should I Call In A Professional For A Home Repair? Most h...
I have noticed some of the issues you mention and it could be the a sign of the future.  I notice this type of comment from the agent more and more. This week, I've been showing a lot of houses.  That means sorting through our MRIS information, because I haven't had that much time to preview.  A...
I'm sure we as real estate agents have been there done that.  I know that when you have them declutter it sometimes backfires because the owner's feel a sense of loss and can actually start to see the real estate agent as an "enemy".  They know the logic of declutter but it takes away their comfo...
This is what I like about ActiveRain.  I keep learning new things and this one about a National Internet ID seems "insane".  The only reason for one user name and password would be so that anyone could get into any account.  I hope this thinking dies and quick death.   Are You Ready For Your Nat...
This articles was a wake up call for me and I would guess many others.  The only thing is that I don't understand is how to get a copyright symbol.  Any help?When I first started on Active Rain I put the funky little copyright symbol on my photos.  It didn't matter if they were good or bad they w...


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