Hi all! I just wanted to re-post Kathi's press release to let all that know me and who may be interested know that I am returning to the Staging world in a new capacity. I am excited to be working with Kathi. RE:Style has an excellent reputation in Michigan and we share a lot of the same thought
When I am finished writing a blog post (about industry related topics), I am always faced with the decision of where to post it. It would normally automatically go in Stage if Forward because I believe that this group has a large readership and my message will be heard, and I like to post in the
I've been tagged by both Marianne Sweet and Sheron Cardin. Thank ladies! I just want to say that I've really enjoyed reading everyone's memes. Very interesting answers out there! 1. Favorite Musical Artist: My favorite has always been the band Led Zeppelin. I wasn't ever a stoner or devil worship
I recently met with an older couple to do a walkthrough consultation of their home. Throughout the tour, I made my assessments. Most of my comments were met with resistance from the seller. Her favorite phrase was "Oh we're not going to do that." Keep in mind that these were simple "decluttering"
I just wanted to congratulate and announce some recent graduates of the SMART Stager training program. They are also new members of RESA. Please help me welcome: Jill NeugebauerStep Up Staging Certified SMART StagerClawson, Michigan Barbara DeckonStaged Inspirations Certified SMART StagerPost Fal
I'll admit right now it is 10:30 and I am tired. I don't feel like searching for my answer - so I am reaching out to my AR friends. Which would be considered "good" Feng Shui? To have the bed facing the door or not facing the door? Is it true that if your house number ends in the number 4 that th
Here are some thoughts on how home staging actually benefits the BUYER, fellow stagers please feel free to add to this list. Buy a "move in ready" home A staged home is usually move-in ready. This means that the buyer may move in, unpack and go on with their life. By purchasing a home that has b
I have a question... I have friend who is selling her home and is currently a FSBO. She is not doing it becuase she mistrusts Realtors or anything, she says her reasons are purely financial. She has had it listed for about 2 years now. Because she has to get a certain price for the home, she stat
Staging drives more traffic to the home 80% of today's buyers preview homes on the Internet. Staging makes the home more appealing so buyers will choose it to visit. Staging increases showings of the home Agents love to show homes that look good. Staging makes homes look great! Staging imp
Every chance I get I try to talk about staging and its importance in marketing homes. I am sure many of you are the same way. Some of us are so passionate about home staging, what it is and what we do, that it is difficult to define in a short, succinct way. Many of us have heard of the 30 second