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Seniors Real Estate Institute
Seniors Real Estate Institute
star star star star star_half 4.57 (14 reviews)
Product Details
Senior Real Estate Institute
Education & Training
Certifications / Designations
Product Description
The company offers a Certified Senior Housing Professional (CSHP) designation. They also offer speaking, training, coaching and masterminds on the topics of Senior Housing and effective communication with Senior Adults and their families, as well as other professionals providing services to Senior Adults
Tony and Suzanne Marriott, Associate Brokers
Tony and Suzanne Marriott, Associate Brokers Contact User
Real Estate Agent 671 Reviews
Scottsdale, AZ 74 % Positive Feedback

Useful if this is one of your market niches star star star star star
I did earn the Seniors Real Estate Specialist credential back in the days when I was taking advantage of every possible learning opportunity. What I failed to consider at the time was that our business model was based on technology, and our clients being able to use that technology, which was not a given for that marke... See More
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Donna Foerster
Donna Foerster Contact User
Real Estate Agent 34 Reviews
Parker, CO 88 % Positive Feedback

Great Education for the Senior Niche star star star star star
Rich and I both went through the training for the Certified Senior Housing Professional designation (Rich in the classroom and I did it online). I was most impressed with the depth of the training and the action plan provided to enable the student to take the steps necessary to implement their newly acquired knowledge.... See More
100.00 % thought this review was helpful
Tony and Suzanne Marriott, Associate Brokers
Tony and Suzanne Marriott, Associate Brokers Contact User
Real Estate Agent 671 Reviews
Scottsdale, AZ 74 % Positive Feedback

I did earn the Seniors Real Estate Specialist credential star star star star star
I did earn the Seniors Real Estate Specialist credential back in the days when I was taking advantage of every possible learning opportunity. What I failed to consider at the time was that our business model was based on technology, and our clients being able to use that technology, which was not a given for that mark... See More
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Tony and Suzanne Marriott, Associate Brokers
Tony and Suzanne Marriott, Associate Brokers Contact User
Real Estate Agent 671 Reviews
Scottsdale, AZ 74 % Positive Feedback

I did earn the Seniors Real Estate Specialist credential star star star star star
I did earn the Seniors Real Estate Specialist credential back in the days when I was taking advantage of every possible learning opportunity. What I failed to consider at the time was that our business model was based on technology, and our clients being able to use that technology, which was not a given for that mark... See More
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Andrew Payne RealtorĀ® Richmond VA Homes For Sale~804-938-5257~
Andrew Payne RealtorĀ® Richmond VA Homes For Sale~804-938-5257~ Contact User
Real Estate Agent 17 Reviews
Richmond, VA 100 % Positive Feedback

Seniors Real Estate Institute Does Help with Tips for Marketing Seniors star star star star star
It does take time to cultivate clientele for most of us in the real estate business. However, the tips provided by the Seniors Real Estate Institute area helpful to pinpoint the various needs for a specific population group. I've used some of the marketing materials and have found them helpful as a good resource! On... See More
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Debbie Reynolds, C21 Platinum Properties
Debbie Reynolds, C21 Platinum Properties Contact User
Managing Real Estate Broker 164 Reviews
Clarksville, TN 92 % Positive Feedback

The Population is Aging star star star star star
I have found that many of my customers are aging and have special situations and needs. Just this year I have had to help relocate several seniors and having this class has helped me be able to address their needs. One was liquidating her home to move several states away to live with her daughter. I was so glad that I ... See More
100.00 % thought this review was helpful
Debbie Reynolds, C21 Platinum Properties
Debbie Reynolds, C21 Platinum Properties Contact User
Managing Real Estate Broker 164 Reviews
Clarksville, TN 92 % Positive Feedback

The Population is Aging star star star star star
I have found that many of my customers are aging and have special situations and needs. Just this year I have had to help relocate several seniors and having this class has helped me be able to address their needs. One was liquidating her home to move several states away to live with her daughter. I was so glad that I ... See More
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Marta Grunsky
Marta Grunsky Contact User
Real Estate Agent 1 Review
Snohomish, WA 100 % Positive Feedback

Take This Course! star star star star star
Don't take this course if you need a few more credits for renewal. This is a well-presented course that puts together a great business plan for your senior market. I believe, as a realtor that is specializing in the senior market, that if you step out of the box, be courageous, and work very hard, you will be extreme... See More
100.00 % thought this review was helpful
MichelleCherie Carr Crowe .Just Call. 408-252-8900
MichelleCherie Carr Crowe .Just Call. 408-252-8900 Contact User
Real Estate Agent 16 Reviews
San Jose, CA 78 % Positive Feedback

Senior Real Estate Specialists are needed resources in this business star star star star star
I think the education and resources provided by the SREI is useful to the SRES agents. One component I wish they'd include in this program would be qualifying transactions and reviews by senior clients.
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David Saks
David Saks Contact User
Industry Observer 538 Reviews
Memphis, TN 63 % Positive Feedback

SREI star star star star star
SREI has an important mission. SREI wants to make a difference in the lives of the older population of this nation by preparing our real estate professionals on how to best serve their needs. Find out how you can accomplish this and visit the webpages of the Seniors Real Estate Institute and see how you can become a C... See More
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