
Bentonville, AR Real Estate News

  I’ve walked into a home that was “foudroyant” have you? I’ve done it a few times but not many.  All the homes my clients have purchased have risen to this quality.  I would like to think most property at one time or the other was this but then beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Now for the meaning of (foo droi’ent) it is simply dazzling or stunning.  You know you have the right home when your client walks in and says WOW!!  What say you?
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  Do you “digitigrade’ around some of the homes you show? For some of you this won’t be hard to figure out before I give you the meaning. As for me I would not have a clue unless I read the rest of this post.  If you comment on this I would like to know what your first thought was before reading the meaning speaking of which the meaning of (-grad) walking on the toes with the heels not touching the ground.  So have you walked on your toes while showing property?  What say you?
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  You cannot beat a man or woman who gets up for one more round. Last week while in church the pastor referred to this while giving the sermon, reportedly this was said by Gentleman Jim Corbet after defeating John Sullivan. I do not know if it is true but I would like to think so.  I started in this business in 2008 and at the end of my first year I made less than 2,000.00.  I was knocked down for sure but I got up and now I’ve been knocked down several times but I keep getting up for one more round.   How many times have you been knocked but got up for one more round?  What say you?
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  I like things and people who are “sapid” do you? I like this word but I’m thinking on how I can use it in a sentence today.  Not that I don’t have anything to do just a showing at 01:00 PM back to the office for a listing contract for Monday and the list goes on.  But back to the word of the day the meaning of (sap’id) is having a pleasing taste; savory and the second meaning is agreeable to the mind; interesting; engaging. Now what say you? 
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  There have been times in my life when I’ve been “profligate” have you? Yes I’ll be the first to admit it I’ve done this on more than one occasion.  I wonder if you will be honest when you find out the meaning and admit it.  To be honest with you I have even enjoyed it.  I’m trying to write this post and not smile ;) but it’s not working.  I am looking forward to your answers.  Now I guess without further adieu the meaning of (praf’li git) is immoral and shameless; dissolute; extremely wasteful; recklessly extravagant.  Now that I’m done I can’t wait to read your comments.  What say you?
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  I would like to live in a home with a “belvedere” would you? I’ve been in homes that have this and I have been impressed.  The last office before moving to our new location had one of these.  Seems to me it would be a lot of extra work and maintenance to keep one of these looking good.  So if you haven’t figured it out by now the meaning of (bel’va dir’) is a summerhouse on a height, or an open, roofed gallery in an upper story, built for giving a view of the scenery.
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  Aren’t you glad we don’t work for an “honorarium”? Don’t know about you but I’m sure glad we don’t use or are obligated to do this.  While I did not see the country of origin in my Webster’s® it is Latin.  So with that out of the way I really don’t have much more to offer.  Without any more stuff flowing the meaning of (an’e rer’e em) is a payment as to a professional person for services on which no fee is set or legally obtainable.  No fee do you know of anyone who doesn’t charge in one way or another some sort of fee if they are a professional?  What say you?
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By Cody Burnett, Real Estate Pro
(Connect Realty)
All Homes For Sale in College Place in Bentonville, AR There are 12 homes currently for sale in College Place as of the publish date of this blog post. The average home is 3 bed, 2bath, with 3221 sqft for sale for just over $208,500 The homes range from $196,000 to $309,000. The subdivision is conveniently located off of Battlefield Road and HWY 102 along Water Tower Road in Bentonville. The biggest house currently for sale is 307 FULLERTON St. It is 3260 sqft with 4 bedrooms, 3bathrooms, and a 3 car garage. It was built in 2004. It is priced at $309,000 which is $95 per foot. The Public Remarks in MLS are as follows: Located in desired College Place this wonderful home features a great layout with 4Bdrs, 3 Full baths and 3 Living areas. The master suite is open with a cathedral ceiling...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  I live in an “oppidan” most people do. Yes I live in one as most people do.  Some don’t and decades ago I didn’t either but that was decades ago.  Most of the places I lived in decades ago are going away .  Other people like the place I used to live in.  Truth be told I would like to live in one again.  Now for the meaning of (ap’i den) is of a town; urban, a person living in a town I do miss the days of living in the country when your closest neighbor was a good half a mile away. 
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  I like being an “operose” what say you? Well I did not know this word existed.  And it didn’t take me over a page or two in my Webster’s ® to find it.  There are some words I do not post because I really have reservations on how it’s going to be perceived.  Kind of like riding the fence and not knowing what side you will get off on.  However back to the word of the day, I really work on this all the time and continue to work harder every day I can.  The meaning of (ap’ er os’) is done with or requiring much toil, very busy, industrious.  Like the old saying goes "The only place success is found ahead of work is in the dictionary."
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  I want to “ingurgitate” large amounts of an item. That’s right you heard me I want large amounts of this item and I’ll take all I can get.  I’ll tell you what the item is shortly and the meaning of the chosen word for today.  I don’t know about you but 2012 is off to a booming start for me if it will just keep this up for awhile.  The meaning of (in gur’je tat’) is to pour in like a flood, to swallow up greedily or in large amounts; gulp; gorge; guzzle.  And the item is money…  Did I get you on this one? 
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By Judy Luna, Technology with a Personal Touch
(Keller Williams Market Pro Realty)
On 11-11-11, the new major museum of American Art called Crystal Bridges opened in Bentonville, Arkansas. I had an opportunity to visit recently, and for an update, check my other blog.
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Had to change this up so not to violate anything I bet you’ll get the jest of the story..   A Pharmacist walks into his store to find a guy leaning heavily against a  wall.  The Pharmacist asks the new file clerk:"What's with that guy over there by the  wall?" The file clerk responds: "Well, he came in here this morning to get  something for his cough. I couldn't find the cough syrup, so I gave him an  entire bottle of Laxative."  The pharmacist yells:  "You idiot! You can't treat a cough with a laxative!"  The new file clerk responds         Are you ready?         Are you sure you want to know?         Just a little more…         OK If you’ve gone this far here it is    Of course you can! Look at him, he's afraid to cough".   Bet ya he really wanted one of these he could get to…  
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Jessie wishes you a very Merry Christmas I have posted pictures of Jessie before.  When the wife was getting her ready for the photo shoot she shivered as though it would be her last day on earth.  After the wife dressed her I can understand her concern.  Anyway she cooperated and we did get a picture before she rolled over and played dead.  If I had to wear that outfit I’d join her.  She did recover and all is well.  Here’s wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a great 2012 
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By Cody Burnett, Real Estate Pro
(Connect Realty)
Click To See All Homes For Sale From $350,000 to $400,000 In Bentonville, AR FEATURED LISTING: 3502 RIVERBEND RD. Wow what a view!! 180 degree view of nothing but trees & nature. This home was designed for entertaining with a very open floor plan, kitchen, dining room, living room, and full bar/kitchenette area have huge cased openings and seamlessly flow into one another. The kitchen is open and funtional with Granite tops and stainless steel appliances, bullet proof Bella Brazilian Hardwood flooring, high ceilings, GIANT Master bed and bath, wine cellar, two decks, concrete patio. The home has great attention to detail. The office could be turned in a 4th bedroom. The stats below are based on the 22 homes for sale in Bentonville, AR that are priced between $350,000 and $400,000. The a...
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  How many people or who have you “osculated” lately? I can think of one for sure and I did it to several people at Thanksgiving and I’ll do the same at Christmas.  Otherwise I don’t do this act.  So what before I give you the meaning do you think it is?  So guess for the next few words.  Are you ready?   Usually I would have you scroll down a few lines before I gave you the meaning but not this time.  So here we go the meaning of (as’kyoo lat’) is to kiss; or touch closely.  Now what say you?
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By Cody Burnett, Real Estate Pro
(Connect Realty)
Click To See All Bank Owned Properties In Bentonville School District As of the publish date of this blog post there are 69 homes available. Send me an email for the most up to date list of homes available. My email address is I can easily isolate the homes that meet your specific needs or that are in a certain city within Bentonville Schools. You can examine the search criteria and statistical information for these 69 listings below. They range from $1.4 million down to $59,900 and all points in between. The average home in this list of 69 homes is a 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, priced at $276,442, with 2,793 sqft, and is at $90.68 per heated foot. Market Analysis Report Property Type: Residential (RES) Status: Current Number of Properties: 69  BedroomsFull Bath...
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By Cody Burnett, Real Estate Pro
(Connect Realty)
Click To Perform A Map Based Search Of Your Northwest Arkansas Neighborhood You can easily zoom in on your neighborhood or town by using an interactive Google Map. Then select a minimum and maximum price you are looking at and you can see all the homes that fit that criteria. You can also specify the number of bedrooms and bathrooms if you want to be more specific. Then, once you isolate the area you are looking for, click on the blue pointers to see specific information about that property. This is handy in not only finding homes to buy, but in assessing the current value of your own property. I can also send you a market report that shows what all the homes in your neighborhood have sold for, how long they were on the market, etc. If you want specific information about any properties ...
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By Nicky Dean, The BEST REAL ESTATE AGENT in Northwest Arkansas
(Collier & Associates)
Moving to Bentonville? Need to know all there is to know about the area? Contact Nicky Dou with Collier and Associates. Lifelong resident of Northwest Arkansas and has been a top selling agent in Northwest Arkansas for 21+ years. 479-236-3457Looking to move to Bentonville in the near future?Check out my blog for Schools in Northwest ArkansasI also have a blog about Bentonville, AR click hereSearch Homes for sale in Northwest Arkansas with my easy mls search tool. 
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
  Is your business “crescive”? I know mine sure is.  I bet ya yours is to.  I started in 2008 and it was a tough first year.  The second one wasn’t much better but I hung in there and it started to turn.  If you haven’t figured out the meaning of (kres’iv) by now why don’t I just tell you?  Ok here you go it means growing; increasing.  I hope that next year your business will grow by at least 20% why 20?  I don’t know it just seemed like a good number.  Enjoy the year…
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