
Bentonville, AR Real Estate News

By Charles Edwards Bentonville, AR REALTOR, Bentonville Real Estate Agent and Broker
(Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney & Faucette 479-253-3796 )
Happy Mother's day one and all. Your mother called and said she wants you to buy a house! My Mom was one of the great women of her day, but you already knew that didn't you? Smile, if you too have ( or had) a great Mom, and I know you did. My Mom was a Vermont farmer's daughter, the oldest of three siblings and the only girl born to Clayton Rose and Edna Eastman Rose back in December of 1931. She was Joyce Elaine Rose. You know by that date that she spent her early years in the grip of the Great Depression in the cold. That'll shape your psyche, and cement your world view.  She graduated from North Concord, VT High School in 1949 and rejected a few full ride scholarships to do what many of her peers did. Get married. Just over the White Mountains of New Hampshire, in southern Maine she ...
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By Charles Edwards Bentonville, AR REALTOR, Bentonville Real Estate Agent and Broker
(Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney & Faucette 479-253-3796 )
I discovered this beauty today while working in my yard in Bentonville, Arkansas. Yes! My bargain cottage has a fantastic, huge and well planted mature yard. This was quite a sight. This iris is about 3.5 feet tall and growing up inside a shrub I have not identified yet. If I may gloat just a little (oh please let me..please!). There are 4 lilacs in my yard, three are purple and one is white. There is a huge ancient looking redbud tree, there are about a dozen large peonies, a pink dogwood, a white dogwood, irises and lilies galore. Add to that a few plants we cannot yet identify. I'll just consider this a GIANT HELLO TO MAY! Life is good!            
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By Charles Edwards Bentonville, AR REALTOR, Bentonville Real Estate Agent and Broker
(Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney & Faucette 479-253-3796 )
In this life we search for significance.  We want a sense of belonging and an acknowledgment that we are in our best place. Is the confirmation of such things Divine or intuition, or are the two the same? Occasionally along the way we catch a glimpse of what we are seeking. In my life such a glimpse is always a cause to celebrate. Have you ever had the pleasure of a day spent enveloped in the knowing? A day when you glide effortlessly, certain there is no ordinary life, A day lived as if you have somehow escaped the weight of the world? A day when the server at breakfast is not merely the server. She's a single woman who raised her two nieces after her brother and sister-in-law divorced and were unable to care for them. The young women now grown are both mothers with families of their o...
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By Charles Edwards Bentonville, AR REALTOR, Bentonville Real Estate Agent and Broker
(Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney & Faucette 479-253-3796 )
No I'm really not meddling in your physical health practices. I'm wondering. Do you need a property insurance check up? Like many of you I'm a self employed real estate agent that has gathered up a few properties along the way. Primary residence, rentals both residential and commercial, etc. I'll confess that at times weeks go by between visits to those addresses. We cannot always be everywhere we need to be everyday but are we pro-active about our care for our real estate investments beyond caring for the yard or the parking lot? Do you know where your policies are? Do you know what each policy says? I'd encourage you to take a look at your properties and the insurance policy for each one and look it over carefully. Have your insurance agent come and visit each property. Ask pointed qu...
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By Charles Edwards Bentonville, AR REALTOR, Bentonville Real Estate Agent and Broker
(Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney & Faucette 479-253-3796 )
   Here in the beautiful Ozarks region we have been under a dark cloud cover for days. Flooding and tornado activity, straight line winds, we've had enough. Rain fall totals over 15 inches in the last 4 or 5 days. There has been loss of life and property. The weatherman says expect at least one more day of rain before a break. Today my heart is with the suffering and the grieving, and my prayer is for healing and restoration. In times like these it serves us well to remember that storms don't last and together we can triumph over lifes toughest challenges. Here's to blue skies ahead.    
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By Charles Edwards Bentonville, AR REALTOR, Bentonville Real Estate Agent and Broker
(Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney & Faucette 479-253-3796 )
Real estate agents often chat up the actual definition of their job. Are we salespeople, facilitators, advocates or  referees? I prefer to think I'm all the above as needed and more. I may be called upon to play many different roles in the process of a transaction but mostly I'm your guide. I'll be using  experience from  all the deals I've worked  while helping you achieve your real estate related goals. Deals are rarely neatly boxed. They present twists and turns, excitement, nuance and education. Mostly we calculate and achieve success, rarely less. Yes, along the way we could lose a battle, but we will not lose the war. The fishing guide knows the river well but knows too that no two days on the river are alike. The hunting guide knows the woods he hunts in, but knows to be ready fo...
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By Charles Edwards Bentonville, AR REALTOR, Bentonville Real Estate Agent and Broker
(Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney & Faucette 479-253-3796 )
I often hear people say on a beautiful day, 'you couldn't ask for a better day'. Well actually you could ask, you just wouldn't get it. For me the blue sky and a  pink dogwood are reason enough  to celebrate and say, 'what a great day'. One of the best traits to find in any person is that of having reasonable expectations. Any person that can adapt and enjoy is an everyday hero really. Can you major up on what you do have instead of what you don't have? Do you have a smile, a warm hello, consistancy, and a culture of quick recovery when everything isn't just superb? These are a few simple things that make a person a GREAT person.       
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By Charles Edwards Bentonville, AR REALTOR, Bentonville Real Estate Agent and Broker
(Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney & Faucette 479-253-3796 )
Scenes like this speak to me. I like that they do not reveal the greater features of their locale at a glance. I like that it does not mean those features do not exist. Scenes like this could be anywhere, or everywhere. Is it Pennsylvania or Kansas? Is it Arkansas or Georgia? Your town or my town? A mile to the beach or the mountains, or a thousand miles from either. I like that we live in a society where for the greater good we strive to make home ownership available to everyone. I like helping folks find their place in the world. A world where a house becomes a home and as life unfolds the sum becomes greater than the parts. 479-253-3796
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By Charles Edwards Bentonville, AR REALTOR, Bentonville Real Estate Agent and Broker
(Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney & Faucette 479-253-3796 )
Every time a real estate agent makes a listing presentation the seller is likely to ask the question How will you market my listing to out of state buyers? This is a great question. It is very important to make every listing available to every possible buyer wherever they maybe located. However, the question does sort of leave the impression that the seller thinks that a buyer on the far away west coast will wake up some morning just aching for a home in a state they've never heard of, with an address that matches the subject property. Not so much, but I do understand the question. Sellers may want to keep in mind that statistics still rank the good old REAL ESTATE FOR SALE yard sign as the single most effective sales tool. In most cases your home is going to sell to a fairly local buye...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
OK in my former profession if you had a meeting with the boss it was not going to be a good day for you.  You as an independent contractor have some advantages and disadvantages.  I don't need to go into what they are as you are already aware of what they are.  Anyway in my meeting with my partner we went over what we hoped to accomplish in 2011.  He brought to our attention one item we needed to do that we are not currently doing.  Goes to show you, you learn something new every day. Enjoy your day it may be your last.  
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Caught your attention didn't I.  Now speaking for me I can assure you I am not one of these but I know some who are.  You women need to define your own status.  I did mine long ago and so did my wife.  You may be asking yourself what in the world does MIP and WIP stand for.  Well Pilgrim MIP is men in panic and WIP is women in panic.  They have not bought anything for Christmas yet and they are in a panic to find that special something for that special person.  Enjoy your day it may be your last
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By Judy Luna, Technology with a Personal Touch
(Keller Williams Market Pro Realty)
Bentonville will be the location of a new 2,200-seat Walton Arts Center and a new 600-seat facility will be built adjacent to the beautiful, existing WAC in Fayetteville. Seems like a 'win-win" situation, but the Fayetteville city attorney has opined that agreements signed in the past bind WAC to be located only in Fayetteville. He has said that Fayetteville should sue to stop the Bentonville site. At this point no official action has been taken. In the meantime, University of Arkansas issued a statement that it will not support a lawsuit. And in today's paper, some Fayetteville city officials have gone on the record against litigation, seeing it as divisive and counter productive. And so the drama continues. For more information check my NW Arkansas Real Estate Blog.
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By Charles Edwards Bentonville, AR REALTOR, Bentonville Real Estate Agent and Broker
(Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney & Faucette 479-253-3796 )
                                                                   Have it your way. Maybe you're thinking man alive, I'd like to have things my way. I think that way too at times, and then I remember how it really goes. You know what I'm thinking? I'm thinking you are having it your way, and I'm having it my way too. Given that you and I are of able body and (a relatively sound) mind that is. Major tragedy aside, we are free to create our own way...and so we do everyday. I know this is not necessarily what anyone wants to hear when things are not going well. I sometime want to resist my part in a rough day too. I like to think anything good is on my account and anyhing bad is on yours...I'm human. In business we read about success in spite of a down market. We read about and see, trium...
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By Charles Edwards Bentonville, AR REALTOR, Bentonville Real Estate Agent and Broker
(Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney & Faucette 479-253-3796 )
Fear of failure equals fear of success. Yes the two are the same. Identical.  Are you foolishly thinking that no one fears success? If you are afraid of failure you are afraid of success. Think about it. Many authors have outlined the 'downside' of success. For example, will you find your self alienated from your peers when you financially  tower over them ? Will success take you far from the familiar in other regards? Yes, success does indeed change things. It is often said that it is lonely at the top, no problem I'll deal with it when the time comes! Here in northwest Arkansas we have several Fortune 500 Companies that are well represented. Bentonville, AR is of course home to WalMart, the world's largest retailer. Tyson Foods the world's largest food purveyor is headquartered nearby...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
Although the family reunion a couple of weeks ago taught me I'm the only one that is not aging I was able to capture this Kodak Moment Enjoy the moment and enjoy the wonder that mother nature provides
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By Charles Edwards Bentonville, AR REALTOR, Bentonville Real Estate Agent and Broker
(Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney & Faucette 479-253-3796 )
If you say, "I can't buy a house". I say you don't want one very badly. There is a HUGE HOUSING SALE GOING ON NOW? Across the nation we are able to buy housing at deeply discounted prices.  You may be thinking or saying, 'my credit score is too low and I don't have any money saved'. This SALE has already been going on over two years in most market area. If you had decided to take advantage of it then you might have already improved your credit and saved a few bucks for a down payment. Every buyer wants to know the same thing. When will the sale end ? No one knows. I say go to a reputable lender, tell him your goals and your circumstance and ask the magic question. What do I have to do to be able to take advantage of the HUGE HOUSING SALE? I recently made a deal on a modest home in Bento...
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By Charles Edwards Bentonville, AR REALTOR, Bentonville Real Estate Agent and Broker
(Coldwell Banker Harris McHaney & Faucette 479-253-3796 )
I've been busy doing what real estate agents do best! BUYING A HOUSE! Many of you have read in my blogs about my commute to the office from Eureka Springs. Yes, the 40 mile one way stretch through the beautiful Arkansas countryside. Add about 10 miles per day to the average for running around Bentonville/Rogers to show property or otherwise tend to business. Yes lets call it 90 miles per day, 5 days a week. My clever little Nissan Murano gets about 21 mpg. I know, not great but it is so fast when I need it to be. So lets do the math shall we? 90x5=450 miles divided by 21 mpg=21.4 gallons of gas a week @ $2.60 per gallon= $55.71 a week or $222.85 per month. AVERAGE! All that and I have not mentioned the time, 10 hours a week. So you guessed it! We found a house near the Bentonville Squar...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
You've been there time and time again.  When you go to a restaurant and you finish with the main course you keep your fork for the dessert.  How about when you're at a family outing and the host comes around and tells you to keep your fork the best is yet to come.  What visions goes on in your head.  How about that apple pie your so fond of or the bowl of homemade ice cream.  So save your fork cause in real estate the best is yet to come.
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By Judy Luna, Technology with a Personal Touch
(Keller Williams Market Pro Realty)
A couple of weeks ago Northwest Arkansas Community College celebrated their 20th anniversary. When the college opened in 1990, 1200 students enrolled in classes that were held in churches, elementary schools, and anywhere else space was available in Bentonville and Rogers. Back then some folks referred to it as the "School Without Walls." It definitely fulfilled a need for post-secondary education in NW Arkansas to supplement that of the U of A in Fayetteville. Now a mere 20 years later, 8400 college-credit students are enrolled. The college (pronounced  "EN-WAC" for its abbreviation of the name, NWACC) now has its own campus in Bentonville with a library, science laboratories, art studios, an auditorium, computer lab, and other necessities of a college campus. Many classes are held the...
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By James Dray
(Fathom Realty)
I'm the kind of person that is goal driven.  If I did eight deals last year my goal is ten to fifteen this year and next year twenty to twenty five and so on.  Feed me data feed me information that is useful in this market.  I want to learn and spit out the data so I can assist my clients.  The meaning of idée fixe: a fixed idea; obsession.  My obsession is real estate and it should be yours also.  Join wordsmith on Activerain.  It's a great day to buy or sell a home
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