
Lincoln County, MT Real Estate News

By Shondi Bohne, Your guide to luxury properties in NW Montana
(Lancaster & Company)
Wilderness Club Cabins Yesterday I had the priviledge of viewing another completed cabin at Wilderness Club just before the owners took possession.  This cabin was one of our Lakeside Collection at Wilderness Lake which has been one of our most popular areas since Wilderness Club opened with new ownership in 2012.  In the Lakeside Collection, one can choose from six floor plans ranging from 1087 square feet to 2890 square feet not including an optional basement.  To me the best feature of these cabins is the huge accordian door that opens all the way up to transform the great room into an indoor - outdoor space.  You will experience serene views of the lake and mountains, the warm air and suprisingly few bugs.   Our Lakeside collection is over 50% sold out but there are still some great...
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By Shondi Bohne, Your guide to luxury properties in NW Montana
(Lancaster & Company)
When looking for Montana Luxury Properties you might not think of Eureka, Montana.  It's a little off the beaten path but Montana's best kept secret is slowly being revealed. Eureka, Montana This little town is located 8 miles from the Canadian Border in Northwest Montana.  Set in the beautiful Tobacco Valley, it is surrounded by magnificent mountains, endless rivers and lakes and incredible sunsets.  Eureka is an easy 4 hour drive from Calgary, Alberta making it a hot spot for Canadian summer visitors.  It is an even shorter drive from Lethbridge and more and more people are discovering it's charm.   355 Elk Meadows Drive - Offered at $1,590,000 on Sophie Lake This amazing lake is near the famed Lake Koocanusa and is not well known.  It is large enought to waterski on and you will ofte...
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By Shondi Bohne, Your guide to luxury properties in NW Montana
(Lancaster & Company)
I run into a lot of people looking for Eureka, Montana Real Estate and they always ask the same question, "what is there to do in Eureka?" I find that Eureka has more than enough to keep you busy all year long.      As summer is quickly coming to an end in Eureka I am feeling very sad!  There is nothing that compares to summers here.  Our first summer here just about killed us because we wanted to do everything.  We live in Wilderness Club (Montana's number one golf course) and so golf was obviously on the menu. My husband and I also started fly-fishing a lot towards the end of last year, even well into the fall. With the long days, we were usually out playing until 10:00 pm every night.    This summer was no different except for the fact that we now know the area better.  Last year we ...
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By Shondi Bohne, Your guide to luxury properties in NW Montana
(Lancaster & Company)
Our company has plenty of Eureka Montana Waterfront Properties for sale.  In the Eureka area there are no shortage of lakes, rivers and streams to enjoy. I have lived here for over two years and I'm still learning about lakes I haven't been to yet.  My family enjoys a variety of water activities from boating to fishing.  Even our dog loves to swim!  Here is a breakdown of some of the popular lakes in the area.   Lake Koocanusa This large, man-made reservoir is famous for it's sandy beaches and warm water. As you probably know it's named for the river it was made from (The Kootenay) and two countries it's located in.  It's probably the main attraction for Canadian visitors.  On the US side, the lake is bordered by US forest land so there are no properties for sale that are right on the l...
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By Shondi Bohne, Your guide to luxury properties in NW Montana
(Lancaster & Company)
In the last few days I have noticed a few new short sales in Eureka, Montana come up on our MLS.  I relocated my business here a little over a year ago from Clark County, Nevada where short sales and foreclosures are a way of life for homeowners or anyone who has anything to do with real estate.  I am finding that the general public here is not quite as up to speed on what a short sale really is so I thought I would write a little "short sale 101" on my blog this week.  1. What is a Short Sale? A short sale is a home that sells for less than what is owed on the home.  For example You may have purchased your home for $480,000 and now owe $360,000. Now you find yourself in a position where you need to sell your home and to your dismay you find out that it's now only worth $260,000.  What ...
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By Shondi Bohne, Your guide to luxury properties in NW Montana
(Lancaster & Company)
Why buy real estate in Eureka, Montana? Many people are discovering this little gem, tucked away near the Canadian border in Northwest Montana. For more information on Eureka, click here.  I run into a lot of people in the summer that are intrigued by this beautiful area yet always ask the same questions... what is there to do here?  Is there anything to do in the winter? First of all there are a wide variety of properties available in and near Eureka. They range from RV lots to waterfront properties to private golf course communities. Many of our clients are Canadians and right now purchasing real estate in the Eureka, Montana area just makes sense with the current exchange rate.  But back to the real questions... what is there to do here?  I will be answering that question in a number...
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By John Ague
(Irene Loveless Realty)
This one was told to me by my daughter who happens to be my Partner. The A-Team  She went out to put up our sign on a new listing I had taken. She arrived at the home around 2pm and started to put the sign up.  The seller came out to visit while she was putting up the sign. This would not be unusual or unpleasent except for the following: The seller a woman in her 70s short, plump, blessed with a Cigarette hanging out her mouth came out in a see through night gown rignt out into the front yard and began chit chatting away about this that and the other. As traffic slowed by and my daughter was doing her best to stay focused and get out of there she was finally derailed.  The seller's over weight mongrul began circle my daughter. His hind legs hiked in the air and his rear end a dragging....
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By John Ague
(Irene Loveless Realty)
There is always room for a good laugh. Many of you may have seen this one but, those who haven't enjoy. This is a riot. We out here in Montana don't do it quite like this but, it things don't pick up this may turn in to a training video.
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By Debra Cernick
(DeShazer Ryan Realty)
TROY MONTANA REAL ESTATE UPDATE (edit/delete) TROY, MONTANA  Has a great by-line  " Lowest in elevation-- Highest in Recreation!" And so you get the best of Montana all wrapped up in a  lower elevation and therefore-- gentler weather to live in.  Threre is the GREAT Kootenai River that flows with the marvelous green blue color of glaciers past.  The River is a blue ribbon trout stream and boasts the Kootenai Falls ( where The River WIld was filmed). Check out our propreties in this area and see if it is a good fit for you.  Buy now -- enjoy later as prices scream-- buy me buy me.   A little treasure tucked away in the mountains of Montana!
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By Debra Cernick
(DeShazer Ryan Realty)
An elk in Montana is not a surprising site-- but it is a Welsome site ANYTIME!  I feel so fortunate when getting to view these wonderful species of animals.  To drive to work and be surprised by the sight a Monarach ELk-- surely a treat!   For phtoographers-- a treat For Hunters-- a great find For childern- A GIANT DEER- For Wolves- dinner FOR me--PRICELESS!  
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By Debra Cernick
(DeShazer Ryan Realty)
Keisha - in the Creek- Cherry Creek is running cool and even though it is summer warm up here in Montana -- she is not going for the dunk! Personally-- I do not blame her! The water is from the still melting snow high in the Cabinet Mountain Wilderness Area that Cherry Creek drains. The fact that Keisha can walk down the hill to the Creek makes her summers alot more fun! Come find your summer get away here in the Great NW Montana Area.Debra Cernick 
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By Debra Cernick
(DeShazer Ryan Realty)
MONTANA COUNTRY REAL ESTATE IS GOING TO BLEND WITH DESHAZER RYAN REALTY OF LIBBY , MONTANA! IS THIS GOOD NEWS?  YES-- I THINK SO!  OFFICES AROUND THE COUNTRY ARE JOINING FORCES- IT IS THE OPPOSITE OF DIVIDE AND CONQUER.   So - once 1/2 owner of DeShazer Ryan Realty -- I will become again 1/2 owner of DeShazer Ryan Realty. Two good offices-- now one! Great location across from the local Chamber of Commerce and famouse sculptured eagle.  By local artist Todd Berget who made this big fella from the remenants of a local lumber mill.  
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By Debra Cernick
(DeShazer Ryan Realty)
LAKE KOOCANUSA - WHAT A GREAT AREA TO SPEND THE WEEK-END OR A WEEK!  The Marina boast about 50 boat slips and full service camping-- many come up for the summer!  The lake has great fishing for fresh water salmon and some good size trout!  Oh and for sure it is a great lakle for lounging and swimming! Northwest Montana in the summer -- come on over!
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By Debra Cernick
(DeShazer Ryan Realty)
It was one of those photos that you wished you had posed just a little better for.  Taken up at Terrace Lake- a good 2 mile hike the lake was beautiful -- the smile not so much! This Lake is located not too far from Thompson Falls Montana.  The results of the fishing in this fine lake were great and I will show you a small but beautiful fish below! Debra Cernick's step son Dan Cernick  may not appreciate the advertising!!!
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By Debra Cernick
(DeShazer Ryan Realty)
IT IS WEDNESDAY AND I LOVE TO INCLUDE A PHOTO OF OUR IMPECCABLE MOUNTAINS OR STREAMS THAT we have here in Northwestern Montana! Here is the mighty Kootenai River in all its Glory!  Fishing anyone-- You bet-- this cold water river is a blue ribbon trout stream and many fly fishermen can attest to its bounty.  Those who bait fish also find a great float in raft or small boat and summer finds all ages floating down this clolorful stream during those lazy summer days. Come enjoy our water and beauty. Libby Montana Real Estate --Troy Montana Real Estate
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By Debra Cernick
(DeShazer Ryan Realty)
Today is a good day here in NW Montana.  The morning is crisp but warm and the sky is baby blue with the promise of a great summer day! I believe that this photo is one of several and I had to make a choice-- So I went with MY FAVORITE- athis photo was taken on Highway 56 (Bull Lake Road) The grand Cabinet Mountain WIlderness reflects into this pool of cool water-- Great for a summer day!
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By Debra Cernick
(DeShazer Ryan Realty)
KOKANEE FISHING!- AKA FRESH WATER SALMON. Lake Koocanusa has great kokanee salmon fishing  IF- you know how to catch them-- the weather is right --the water temperature is about 50 degrees where they like to hang out and you have to figure out --- how far down is THAT?! What it amounts to is just alot of fun and a great way to spend the morning or evening - which is just what we did tonight! We got 6-- which might sound good--- however the limit is like 50-- so we had a way to go. Canned they are great - nutritious and healthy!
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By Debra Cernick
(DeShazer Ryan Realty)
Bring the family-- get the floaties-- tubes -- and the fishing poles-- It is time to enjoy the waters of Montana! Libby Montana real estate can easily be yours -- especially in this buyer;' market.  Now more than ever the average client can buy waterfront property again!  Take advantage of this shift.  Montana Country Real Estate has several lake homes, river front lots and river front properties that they can show you.   Come spend your summer or your life on the WATER!
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By Debra Cernick
(DeShazer Ryan Realty)
Montana Mountain Majesty!   Certainly these mountains reign here in Montana. After a quick trip to Oregon for a family reunion and I must say that I enjoyed the drive through the Columbia Gorge and southern Oregon's Rogue river is nice -- BUT I am So Glad to be home!-- Montana-- green -- mountains-  and the Kootenai River has a color unrivaled elsewhere! 
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By Debra Cernick
(DeShazer Ryan Realty)
This is a wonderful week for me!  I am spending it commuting from SPAR LAKE  up high in the mountains outside of Troy , Montana.  This alpine lake boast Mackinaw and big beautiful rainbow!  Of which I have caught the largest between my husband and myself.. )we have little fishing derbies-- at first unspoken and know it is all out in the OPEN_--HAHA!)  The Troy Montana area is about 18 miles from Libby Mt.  The real estate is very similar -- mountains - great view of snow capped peaks-- but smaller..  Smaller than great big ole Libby Mt with its 2800 people?  Yes-- We are looking at a little town of about 900.  Great and friendly- where people know people. good fishing- good camping and great realestate on waterfront properties.  Conatct me-- Debra Cernick Montana Country Real Estate for...
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