Just How Cold is It in Racine Wisconsin at the Marriott?
By Elizabeth Weintraub Sacramento Broker, Put 40 years of experience to work for you
(Elizabeth Anne Weintraub, Broker)
All morning I have tried to post a blog and everytime I get started, something pulls my attention away from Active Rain. Part of it is the cats, of course, who meow and yammer for attention since my husband is out of town for a few days. They usually demand attention equally from both of us, but now it all falls into my lap, and let's face it, I've got other things to do than play with the cats all day. Like sell real estate. And play Ingress. And take my car in for an oil change and get the guy at Midtown Auto Works to sign up for Ingress. And let's not forget looking at the temperature forecast from the Marriott in Racine, Wisconsin, where my husband is staying for a family funeral. You can see it in my personal blog today, and you will NOT believe your eyes. You might wonder where di...