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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Cornerstone Business Group Inc - 0225086119
My blog covers whatever is on my mind. It travels the spectrum from Real Estate in Northern Virginia, local events, market reports, neighborhood data, business profiles and personal stories, and once in a while just some random craziness. I hope you enjoy it, and please feel free to drop a note.



Don't be afraid to the break the family mold. That has been my mantra for more years than I can remember. Many people accept their family norms from childhood through assisted living and never ask the question, "Is there something else?" Maybe, but you've got to ask, seek and take risks to find o...
Good deeds give birth to good deeds. Call it karma, or you reap what you sow, regardless of what you call it, when you treat people well, they will respond. I can already hear you saying, "Yeah, but so and so is a total jerk and no matter what you do, he'll always treat you like . . . ." I get it...
I'm not sure what you're expecting from Active Rain, but expect something. This one site is probably the top reason our business is so successful. No, they haven't sent me a gazillion leads, and no they're not sending checks to say anything positive, but I can't help but be positive. The lion-sha...

Mike Cooper, Broker VA,WV

Your Neighborhood Real Estate Sales Pro
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