Priority #1 - Keeping Families In Their Home!

Services for Real Estate Pros
Blog Discussions You May Find Here: * We are in the business of helping homeowners save their home from foreclosure. * How we can help Industry Professionals during this time of crisis. * Important Industry Information. * Any kind of uplifting material suitable to improving a mood and causing a smile! * "Stuff" worthy of discussion.
Diggo - An Interesting Web Tool Another interesting Webtool - Diigo.   Bookmark, highlight, and add sticky notes to any webpage.  Save your bookmarks on the web so that you can access them anywhere. I realized that this will work great with ActiveRain.  Many times I have read a blog and thought ...
Foreclosures: The 1st Line of Defense & What You Can Do! In this blog, you will find a solution to the Foreclosure might want to read it all!  This is very thorough, therefore please expect it to take more than 30 seconds to read.  This is part of a multi-series blog on the foreclos...
Foreclosure Solutions - Which Role Do You Play? You have probably heard the following story before, and today I am posting it because it relates to the foreclosure crisis.  This story will be an important element in the equation of helping to solve the problem of homeowners losing their homes ac...
Foreclosures, Short Sales, & The Little Red Hen Foreclosures, Short Sales, & The Little Red Hen:  Is there a solution? How many of you remember the story of the Little Red Hen we all heard as a child?  This story relates very much to the foreclosure crisis we are currently experiencing.  Everyon...
The Foreclosure Problem? Is there a solution? The Foreclosure Problem:   Is there a solution? The question is...WHAT CAN BE DONE? What CAN be done?  That's what I keep reading over and over and over here on The Rain.  Everyone keeps asking what can be done, when will someone do something...etc??...
Foreclosures and Short Sales: Is there a solution? Foreclosure & Short Sales:  Is there a solution? The Answer:  Yes & No Why Do I Say "NO?"   One example:  GM is cutting thousands of jobs.  Lots of these people will not be able to find another job before they lose their home.  They won't be abl...
Don't get scammed! Top 5 rip-offs (Seen this morning on The Today Show) Friday, July 25, 2008 From Readers Digest... Last year, Americans frittered away more than $1.2 billion on dubious deals, an average of $2,057 for every consumer, according to the Federal Trade Commission. How do you tell th...
I remember back in the 70's hearing that someone invented a car that ran on water. I laughed. I worked on cars back then, and I just didn't see how that was possible...water doesn't burn. With the gas prices soaring high about the clouds, this technology has resurfaced once again. I recently hea...
Do you remember playing tag as a child? Of course you do. Remember how much fun all those kids games were? Yes, of course you do. We played, we laughed, and the problems of the world...well, ummm, what problems? We weren't paying attention to problems, we were enjoying life! As an adult, I find ...
Did you see where Billy Graham's daughter was being interviewed on the Early Show a few days ago about the September 11th terrorist attack and Jane Clayson asked her "How could God let something like this happen?" (By the way, this is kind of long but it's well worth reading EVERY line.) Anne Gr...

Gregory Lohr

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