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Education & Training - Realty Mark Associates - AB066878
Education and Training in the Rain here in the Delaware Valley and beyond.



Drop off unused medication for safe disposal Saturday April 30th The General Assembly of Pennsylvania and the federal government have been working tirelessly to try to combat the illegal use of prescription drugs. I hope you will take advantage of this upcoming opportunity to safely dispose of y...
On Thursday, April 28, the Sierra Club of Southeastern PA will host a get-together featuring speakers on the future of the Environmental Protection Agency and the success of a student-built high-efficient vehicle. Event begins at 6:45 p.m. Free Library of Philadelphia, 4th Floor 19th and Vine St...
Merry Place cleanup moved to Saturday, April 30th The Darby Creek Valley Association has changed the date of the Darby Creek cleanup from April 23 to April 30 because of the Easter holiday. Here's an update to the schedule I provided earlier. 9 a.m. to noon April 30 -- Merry Place Meet at Glendal...
Darby Creek Valley Association cleanup days This spring, hundreds of volunteers will gather throughout the 77 square miles and 31 municipalities in the Darby Creek/Cobbs Creek watershed to remove tires, shopping carts and other accumulated debris from the creek and feeder streams we all share. Y...
Home heating assistance program extended until April 15 The deadline to apply to the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which provides cash grants of $300 or more that can be used to help pay regular monthly heating bills, has been extended until this Friday, April 15. In additi...
The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission is welcoming in trout season to Southeastern Penn.The first day of trout season for southeastern Pennsylvania is Saturday, April 2. Trout season begins April 16 for the rest of the Commonwealth. Click here to access a section of the Fish and Boat Commissi...

Suzanne Strickler

School is never out for the Successful.
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