Pam Langley (Consulting by Pam) Education & Training



Pam Langley
location_on Montgomery, AL — Consulting by Pam
Get to Know Pam Langley

Pam Langley, a Social Media Expert, is exceedingly knowledgable about the latest technological tools available to entrepreneurs. Pam's strong background in accounting and marketing started her on the path to be a successful small business owner by the age of 24. For over a decade, Pam's career focused on the various aspects of business in the real estate industry. Throughout her outstanding career as a Realtor, Pam was honored with many accolades for her accomplishments. One of which was the Century 21 VIP Agent of the Year award for the successful completion of 460 transactions in 15 months.  

After dedicating the past two years of my career to training real estate agents, I have developed some systems for success. Currently, I focus my skills on introuducing agents throughout the country to my systems.These agents typically get to experience success quicker than their peers on average. They make more money by utilizing tools and techniques to manage their assets (such as time). They also learn how to work smarter not harder allowing them to stay on top of the ever changing industry.

Pam utilizes her experiences as an entrepreneur to help provide her clients with unique point of view. 

She prides herself on listening to her client's vision; not to be confused with their goal.

Pam places emphasis on every client's initial meeting.This meeting defines the parameters of the vision.

These parameters include defining a clear and consise objective,

a preliminary course of action,

a preliminary calendar outlining a timeframe for task completion,

and it identifies the measuring device to track rate of success.


EXception! EXIT Hodges Real Estate- the balanced real estate career! Work, Rest, and Play! With the EXIT Formula of single-level residuals, no longer do agents have to work around the clock, jeopardize personal or family life or wait for income between closings. This new three-dimensional concept of taking listings, making sales, and sponsoring has created a new income stream that never existed before in the real estate industry.

Join us- Make your EXIT today.

Full Service Office Support Agent Regcognition Advertising & Marketing Support Commitment to Superior Training Proven Leadership An EXcellent Name Community Involvement


EXIT Hodges Real Estate does business in accordance with the Fair Housing Act and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, marital status, race, creed, religion, age, familial status, disability, color, national origin, or any other protected basis.


I am the Career Development Director. By definition I recruit & train new talent to be productive as well as the exisiting agents so they all can be more profitable & grow their business.