On October 5, 2022, Realtor.com reported that in Pasadena, California median list price was $1,184,000 in September of 2022 up from $1,177,500 in August of 2022, and higher 7.0% from $1,107,000 in September of 2021. While, median sales price for a home and a condo was $1,100,000 in September of 2022, rose 5.0% from September of 2021 in Pasadena, California.Houses stayed 55.00 days in the market in September of 2022 gained from 53.00 days in August of 2022, but down from 56.00 days in September of 2021 in Pasadena, California.The median listing price per square foot of a home and a condo was $720.00 in September of 2022 lower from 729.00 in August of 2022, but increased 9.0% from $652.00 in September of 2021 in Pasadena, California.For complete more detailed information about Realtor.com...