Often the question is asked about why the interest rates on second mortgages are higher than they are on first mortgages. I have also seen a few explanations on just WHY that was the case. As often happens... most explanations made concerning mortgages tend to get pretty complicated... with, or
This is Alicia. Alicia Florrick. Alicia, at least up until NOW... has been The Good Wife. Her character... Alicia has been played by Julianna Margulies (of ER fame) in the CBS Series... The Good Wife. Alicia started out her series by standing at the podium... as we have seen so many wives of so
Occasionally I have read some blog post comments that Active Rainers wrote... where they wondered just what was the secret... to "Finding their Blogging Voice." Recently I read a post about that very subject. It spoke of many of the usually musings and ideas. But... it also had some pretty uni
Often Newbie Active Rainers will wonder... just where do I stand? How am I doing? And even... WHAT am I doing? A great chart that brings answers to those questions... is something that many Active Rain Newbies, and some Oldbies as well... do not know is here. If you go to your profile page...
For several months I have been playing with a WordPress.com blog. With all of the talk on Active Rain about having control over the content of our posts... and ever since the problems Active Rain had months ago with their Server Errors... I have been curious to see just what a WordPress.com outs
I don't know if you've looked out the window tonight... or even if you're in the right part of the country tonight... but our dear Mother Nature is putting on one of her most perfect Displays of Beauty one could ever want to see in the night-time sky. It is one of the most beautiful Golden Harve
I just KNOW it was the beans. That's the ONLY thing it COULD have been ! Must be some ancient recipe, I guess. Little did Mr Bush, or his Doggie in those cute commercials that Bush's Beans has on the Tube every once in awhile... little did they know. But... there I was. Last Night ! Wide awake
Question: This little article I am writing right now... is it a "blog?" Or is it a "post?" Or is there no difference ? For some reason... I often see a surprising number of Active Rainers using the word "blog" when the correct word would be "post." Like many women, if not MOST women... I like
These are very strange times we are living in... for oh so many reasons. A great travesty has been a part of our national landscape for about fifteen years, now. It concerns the refusal to acknowledge equal rights and equal treatment for a group of American citizens... who are also members of t
Yesterday, in a comment, someone asked a question about Featured Posts. The question was pretty simple. It was... "How Does One Get A Featured Post ?" And then the follow-up question of... "And Who Has to Think my Post "deserves" to be Featured... to get it featured ?" Basically... "What do I