
Franklin, MA Real Estate News

By Barbara Todaro, Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team
(Retired...Mentoring Newbies)
 “Lights – Camera – Action” Meet Andy Paleologos The Todaro Team has revamped, regrouped and re-established their presence.   We are a strong force in the Franklin MA marketplace, and the team members are well-versed on the Franklin market. Now, for an introduction to the rest of the world, here’s Andy Paleologos, The Todaro Team’s Valued Colleague and a Trusted Support Structure.  Andy is a True Team Player and demonstrates that trait throughout his real estate business.Andy Paleologos, it's Showtime!!  
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By Barbara Todaro, Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team
(Retired...Mentoring Newbies)
Our new look…. A team of well-versed real estate agents who are like-minded and work in harmony with all agents. Whether a potential client is buying and/or selling, they will appreciate the service, honesty and the quality representation provided by all of the team members.   If you haven’t called for a Free Market Analysis of your home, you’d be wise to call The Todaro Team at 508-277-2977. There’s no obligation to hire us….but once you meet us, I’m confident you’ll appreciate who we are; what we do; and how well we do it.   Call us, you’ll be glad you did!!!
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By Barbara Todaro, Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team
(Retired...Mentoring Newbies)
If you're a landowner and you're thinking about selling a parcel of land, this is your lucky day!! You found The Todaro Team.  We're a team of agents who are well-versed with land and new construction. With 57 cumulative years of real estate experience, Barbara and Tammy Todaro are a mighty force within the topics of land and new homes.Barbara Todaro has listed and marketed to completion a total of 40 subdivisions in Franklin and surrounding towns. We're on a mission to make that total 50 subdivisions.  We market for land, and we do not charge the landowner a commission, if purchased by one of our builders.  We have builders who are solid buyers and experienced with the approval process for new communities.Call us at 508-277-2977.  We have the experience, the track record and the builde...
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By Barbara Todaro, Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team
(Retired...Mentoring Newbies)
"Opening Windows of Opportunity! Are You Ready for Your New View?"  The Todaro Team of RE/MAX Executive Realty in Franklin MA is a team that reflects the attitude and philosophy of today’s real estate agent.  The members are like-minded individuals who think about the client’s needs first.  The goal of every transaction is to deliver the client to the closing table and to do it with positive vibes coming from the client.                    Every transaction is unique.  The client is main focus. The client is the nucleus of the transaction. The client is the main component of the equation.  The team member is the catalyst that keeps the transaction moving but with the client’s needs as the primary factor.  The Todaro Team has a slogan that reflects their attitude and their actions.  The ...
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By Barbara Todaro, Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team
(Retired...Mentoring Newbies)
Attention Developer/Buliders....We find land.  If you’re searching for a parcel of land for developing and/or construction, call us and we’ll talk. I’ve had 39 years of real estate experience with land and new construction as my niche area. With a track record of 40 subdivisions listed and sold to completion, I’m well versed in the language of new home building. Knowledge of the product sells the product, and The Todaro Team knows new construction.If you need land in a specific town or area, we can find it for you. Call Barbara Todaro at 508-520-9881.  We can begin with a conversation about what you’re looking for specifically.The number again is 508-520-9881.
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By Barbara Todaro, Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team
(Retired...Mentoring Newbies)
 We each seem to have our favorite methods of marketing, and that style and source usually complements the era and niche of the agent!  Yes, I’m “old school” with 39 years of “beating the pavement and/or keyboard.”  My niche was and continues to be land and new construction.  This equates to having developer/builders as my prime clients.To keep them fed (a well fed developer/builder is a content developer/builder) my marketing method is direct mail marketing with postcards. I do “target marketing” to maintain a healthy, well performing niche. I never charge a commission for land, if my builders are buying it. I secure all of  the new home listings.Only on one tract of land in Franklin did I take a commission. Rather than sell the land to a developer, I sold it to The Jesus Christ Church...
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By Barbara Todaro, Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team
(Retired...Mentoring Newbies)
 The Todaro Team of RE/MAX Executive Realty in Franklin MA is the team to call if you're considering searching for the right home in Franklin and/or area towns.  The agents on this team are well versed, not only with listing property, but with working as buyer agents, too.  Whether buying, selling or needing to do both, call 508-277-2977 and ask for one of The Todaro Team members.  They're always ready to be at your side from beginning to end. They're always prepared to provide you with top notch service.The real estate business is a service oriented business.  You'll appreciate how each of the team members are people oriented.  Call one of them for a Free Buyer Consultation.  You'll know and fully understand why The Todaro Team has a stellar reputation.Call them at 508-277-2977.... You...
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By Barbara Todaro, Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team
(Retired...Mentoring Newbies)
 Fix and Flip Homes in Franklin MA Area | The Todaro Team 508-277-2977If you’re in the trades and searching for a fix and flip home, we market for them every month throughout the County.  If you have a preference for a particular town, let me know and we have the ability to market there.We don’t collect a commission on the initial purchase of the home that’s in need of repairs.  The buyer will list the home with us, and our commission is charged on the final sale.This is how The Todaro Team has always handled fix and flip homes.  It’s fair; it’s equitable for all parties involved; and we all continue to do business together in this fashion for many years in the future.Call The Todaro Team, if you’re a builder/remodeler who is interested in participating in our program. Call The Todaro T...
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By Barbara Todaro, Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team
(Retired...Mentoring Newbies)
 Free Market Analysis of My Franklin MA Home by The Todaro Team If you’re thinking of selling your Franklin MA home, now is the time!  The Franklin MA market is experiencing an extreme seller’s market. There is very little competition on the market, at this time.  Serious Buyers have their pre-approval letter in hand, and their Buyer’s Agent will have a keen eye open for all new listings.  The Todaro Team is a name in Franklin MA that equates to residential listings.  Barbara Todaro, the previous team leader of her award winning team, is now the Marketing Agent for the team members.   We work in harmony with buyer agents, and our reputation is stellar. Our mortgage officers, real estate attorneys and home inspectors are well-versed in their respective fields.  If you need to buy locally...
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By Michael Jacobs, Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393
She is Woman...Hear Her Roar And the woman is ActiveRain Member Barbara Todaro.   Barbara lives, works and promotes real estate in the Franklin MA area.  Real estate has served her well as a successful listing agent with a focus on land and new construction.  With nearly 40 years in this industry, she is now marketing for The Todaro Team with her daughter Tammy Todaro as its leader.   Barbara Todaro provides both online and offline marketing for the team members and if you follow her you know she believes that you must “market like you mean it”.   Her “the eye buys” philosophy is evident in the extensive exposure she provides for her team and their listings.     She has an impressive record of success underscored by the listing and closing of 40 subdivisions.  Her desire to be on top of...
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By Barbara Todaro, Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team
(Retired...Mentoring Newbies)
The Todaro Team......   We’re a team of seasoned real estate agents with focus and discipline. The Todaro Team Brand is one that people know and have trusted for 39 years.   Our goal is to deliver every client to the closing table with a smooth transition. That’s our style….that’s our purpose….that’s what we accomplish with each transaction. Our attitude is one promoting “Fair Play” and “Working in Harmony” with real estate agents throughout the marketplace. Call us at 508-277-2977 for a Free Market Analysis. You'll be happy you did!!!!
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By Barbara Todaro, Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team
(Retired...Mentoring Newbies)
                               The one fact that I know for sure is real estate is filled with change. The market changes; offices change; real estate agents make changes and teams evolve.             The Todaro Team began with Barbara Todaro and just as life has its cycle, so too does real estate.The evolution of The Todaro Team has advanced in many ways. I started the team in the early 2000's. The team has progressed, developed and has been filtered. The current team leader, Tammy Todaro, represents the next generation of The Todaro Team.  While I was the original founder and team leader, my job description now is marketing agent.   Marketing is the factor that denotes the difference in quality of listing agents. Listing agents are Marketing Agents, and The Todaro Team not only sets t...
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By Barbara Todaro, Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team
(Retired...Mentoring Newbies)
Every homeowner must have a Market Analysis of the property they intend to sell, and the process should provide information on many factors that are related to marketing their home.  The  Todaro Team is a TEAM of LISTING AGENTS.  The market analysis will not only provide the fair market price range of your home at the time of the meeting, but the presentation will also address marketing information. When the presentation is complete, you will know "who we are; what we do; and how well we do it."  Isn't that what every homeowner needs to know prior to hiring a listing team?  Teams are a valuable asset when marketing a home.  One person cannot do the job of a team.  One person is a limited entity.   Before you make any final decisions about hiring a listing agent, remember, listing agents...
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By Susan Morrison
(RE/MAX Executive Realty)
Franklin Single Family Home For Sale OverviewMapsPhotosFeaturesDescriptionNeighborhoodMarket Stats $389,000 Single Family Home Main Features 3 Bedrooms2 Full BathroomsInterior: 1,516 sqftLot: 53,797 sqftYear Built: 1940MLS #: 72108126 Location 560 Chestnut StreetFranklin, MA 02038USA Susan M Morrison (617) 686-8178[email protected]/* */    Listed by: Susan Morrison Our recent listings Franklin Single Family Home For SaleSensational Brick/Stone-Front Home in FranklinCape Style Home For Sale in Franklin, MABeautifully Updated Single Family Home in Franklin For SaleSingle Family Home in Franklin For Sale Subscribe to our listing feed Nearby properties for sale
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By Barbara Todaro, Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team
(Retired...Mentoring Newbies)
If it's time to sell your Franklin MA home, the only team to call for a Free Market Analysis is The Todaro Team. You now are asking why?  I'll tell you why.  Here's the list of points that every homeowner should be concerned about when interviewing real estate agents with whom to list.1. The Todaro Team is a team of 6 seasoned, well-versed real estate agents.2. The Todaro Team is a team focused on listing property.3. The Todaro Team has their own exclusive Marketing Agent.4. The Todaro Team was the Top Team for listing Franklin MA homes according to MLS.5. The Todaro Team was the Top Team for market share in Franklin MA according to MLS.6. The Todaro Team is the "#1 Team in Franklin's #1 Office."7. The  Todaro Team provided the best marketing online and offline compared to any other loc...
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By Barbara Todaro, Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team
(Retired...Mentoring Newbies)
 Extreme Sellers Market Begins 2017 | 18 Active Listings of 7,560 HomesThe Town of Franklin MA is experiencing an extreme sellers market with only 18 resale homes available from an array of 7,650 single family homes in the town.  That's an incredible shortage of inventory. Now is the time to sell, if you're thinking of downsizing or if you need more room.  You may need to relocate for employment; you might want to relocate to move closer to the children and grandchildren.   There are many reasons for selling. If any of them have crossed your mind, now is the perfect time to sell. The only team to call for a Free Market Analysis is The Todaro Team. The Todaro Team can be reached at 508-277-2977.  Call them, and you'll fully understand why this team is the "#1 team in Franklin's #1 Office...
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By Barbara Todaro, Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team
(Retired...Mentoring Newbies)
 This is a chart displaying the currently Active Single Family Resale Homes in Franklin MA according to MLS. We are currently in an extreme seller's market.  If you're thinking of buying and/or selling your Franklin MA home, call Barbara Todaro of The Todaro Team at 508-520-9881. We're the "#1 Team in Franklin's #1 Office".... everyone needs proper representation, and that's what you'll receive when you're represented by our team.   Call Barbara Todaro at 508-520-9881. You'll be glad you did!!
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By Barbara Todaro, Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team
(Retired...Mentoring Newbies)
Colonials For Sale in Franklin MA | You Need A Buyer's AgentI’ll preface this narrative by stating the single most important fact.  Everyone deserves proper representation.  Whether you’re buying or selling, every real estate participant should demand to be represented.The Todaro Team is comprised of listing agents and buyer agents.  They do not participate in dual agency.  All clients have representation. Potential buyers and homeowners who are presently thinking about entering the market in Franklin MA should be aware of the most plentiful entity in that housing market.  The style of home that is in greatest demand is the colonial. The 8/4/2.5 colonial with a two car garage.We are in an extreme seller’s market at this time.  There is a great shortage of active listings on the market, ...
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By Barbara Todaro, Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team
(Retired...Mentoring Newbies)
  When I continually reference The Todaro Team as being ready for 2017 and "bring it on," this is a sample of what results.       If you’re thinking of buying and/or selling in the Franklin MA area, call The Todaro Team at 508-277-2977 and ask for Tammy Todaro.   You, too, can be one of the smiling faces holding one or both of these signs after closing. Picture that!!!!  
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By Barbara Todaro, Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team
(Retired...Mentoring Newbies)
Marketing is the name of the real estate game we play every day, for those who are “listing agents.” My job description within The Buliung Todaro Team is to market for fresh inventory; market the existing inventory; and market the agents within the team.Every agent has his/her favorite methods of marketing. Mine are both online and offline marketing. One complements the other. I’m “old school” with 38 years of listing new homes, resale homes and land. Print marketing is my source of choice, and I write blog posts that reflect my print marketing.One of my favorite sources happens to be Little Green Phone Book, Northeastern Publishing, Inc.The Little Green Book I’ve been marketing in that source since its inception. I have my hooks deeply embedded in the first right inside page and now th...
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